
Supplementation Guide: Learn The Functions Of The Leading Food Supplements 

The man who goes to the gym these days and follows specific workouts usually uses food supplements. It is important to remember that supplementation by snac accompanies a particular diet, designed according to each individual and for the purpose that person seeks.


The caffeine supplement is a stimulant and one of the most ingested substances in the world. It provides a complete energy supply and acts on the central nervous system, fighting fatigue. Caffeine supplements are also recommended for those who want to lose weight because their consumption releases adrenaline and for people who seek mental focus.

Caffeine is considered a thermogenic agent because it accelerates metabolism and the speed of burning calories. If consumed in excess, it can cause agitation and even heart complications; those who have heart problems need to be very careful.

In addition, it has a strong diuretic effect, which can lead to problems with hydration during long workouts. Its consumption usually happens before training and is more recommended for athletes who work at high intensity, not leisure.


Thermogenics are nothing more than fat burners. These supplements transform the calories from body fat and the individual’s diet into energy. With the acceleration of metabolism caused by thermogenics, the body has a more significant caloric burn throughout the day and, of course, physical activities.

Weight loss is not their only benefit, as they also reduce appetite and help define muscle mass. Its consumption throughout the day varies from product to product and from doctor to doctor, but it usually is taken before training. Its side effects are similar to those of stimulants such as caffeine and can cause tachycardia, increased blood pressure, and insomnia.

Omega 3

Omega 3 is a predominantly polyunsaturated fat (a fatty acid) found in fish fat, soybean oils, and sunflower oils, for example. It is considered an essential fat, which the body does not produce and therefore needs to ingest – as is omega 6. Omega 3 regulates cholesterol, is suitable for vision, and functions the heart and brain.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to prevent diseases related to inflammation in the body. The omega 3 supplements are contraindicated for people with clotting problems. Pregnant women need control, and it is not recommended for individuals with cardiac prostheses.

Consumption varies since omega 3 must come naturally in the diet, with supplements from snac serving according to the particular need of each one to seek these essential fats.